Every good mariner knows what to expect while on the water, but is also prepared for the unexpected. Here's some links that we use to keep up to date on sea and weather conditions in and around Pender Harbour...
Weather Canada: Forecast & Current Conditions (w/ Light Station Reports) - Strait of Georgia (north of Nanaimo)
Canadian Coast Guard: Aids to Navigation - Notice to Mariners (NOTMAR), Publications, List of Lights, Buoys, Fog Signals, etc
Tide Tables: Pender Harbour 2021
Check-out our webcams around Pender Harbour for a look at local conditions.
Weather Canada: Forecast & Current Conditions (w/ Light Station Reports) - Strait of Georgia (north of Nanaimo)
Canadian Coast Guard: Aids to Navigation - Notice to Mariners (NOTMAR), Publications, List of Lights, Buoys, Fog Signals, etc
Tide Tables: Pender Harbour 2021
Check-out our webcams around Pender Harbour for a look at local conditions.
Know your types of clouds (click to enlarge)